North East Dartmoor Care Springs Back And Comes To The Rescue!

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A NEDCare carer recently came to the rescue of an elderly person who uses their services when she turned up for a visit to find a smartly dressed man just leaving the house.  She was informed this was a sales representative from a supposed building firm who had left with a cheque for £3950 for imaginary foam insulation removal.  NEDCare’s employee immediately raised the alarm to family members, the cheque was cancelled and the cheque book hidden.

A family member expressed their gratitude to NEDCare: “many thanks to you all (for) going above and beyond to help Mum and myself out.”

This was an example of how the charity’s carers go the extra mile to help the people they serve, and the amazing feedback NEDCare gets shows how their visits often provide a vital lifeline.  As part of the service, they also cooperate with the NHS community nursing team to remedy health and safety issues at home, thus preventing more serious illness or injury, freeing up valuable hospital beds and enabling people to remain in their own homes.

NEDCare’s regulated care services are vital in our rural communities to support people who wish to remain in their own homes in later life.  Currently, over 65% of NEDCare’s visit hours are to local authority funded residents who would not otherwise be able to afford their own care, fulfilling their charitable purpose to care for all those who need it, regardless of their financial situation.

NEDCare is delighted to say that following difficulties last summer, they have been getting back up to strength in the past few months.  The community-owned, not-for-profit charity has grown back to providing almost 1,000 hours of care per month thanks to the determination of their staff and partnership support via Karrek Community CIC.


With your support, NEDCare hopes that their provision can continue to grow to meet the local demand for our services. You could make all the difference to someone’s day.  In order to grow capacity, NEDCare needs more carers.  Do you know anyone who likes working with people that might be interested in a rewarding role as part of a friendly local team?

NEDCare pays well above the real living wage, offers enhanced rates of pay for weekend, evening or early morning shifts, pay for travel time and fully reimburse mileage expenses. They also provide excellent working conditions and team support.

Meanwhile, please everyone – keep a lookout for rogue traders!

Thank you – from the NEDCare team and Trustees:

Lily Danning (Registered Manager); Jenny Bates and John Willis (Moretonhampstead); Anne Porter and Jill French (Teign Valley); Paul Mitchell (Cheriton Bishop).

Credit: NED Care


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