Devon Matters Magazine is mostly advertising pages but we do cover a range of topics related to Devon, including local news, events, culture, lifestyle, travel, and business.


We publish Devon Matters Magazine on a quarterly basis, with four issues per year.


We welcome submissions from writers and photographers who are passionate about Devon and its communities. You can submit your article or idea to our editorial team through our website or via email.

Yes, our magazine is predominantly for advertising purposes. If you’re interested in advertising with us, please visit our website to view our rates or contact our team directly.

You can subscribe to Devon Matters Magazine by visiting our website and clicking on the “Subscribe” button. We offer both print and digital subscriptions.

Yes, we offer both print and digital formats of our magazine. Our digital version is available through our website and can be accessed from any device.

Devon Matters Magazine has been in publication for over 10 years, serving as a trusted source of information for our readers.

Our target audience is anyone who is interested in Devon and wants to learn more about its people, places, and culture. Our readers include both locals and visitors to the region.

Devon Matters Magazine stands out for its high-quality writing, stunning photography, and comprehensive coverage of all things Devon. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and our dedication to serving our readers.

Our editorial team carefully curates each issue of Devon Matters Magazine, selecting the best stories, photos, and features to showcase the diversity and beauty of Devon.

Visit our website or follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on our latest news and events.

Yes, you can advertise on back covers of Devon Matters Magazine through our website or by contacting our customer service department directly.

We welcome contributions from writers and photographers who are passionate about Devon and its communities. If you’re interested in getting involved with Devon Matters Magazine, please contact our editorial team directly.

Yes, we occasionally have pages for job opportunities depending on who wants to advertise this.

We take accuracy and transparency seriously at Devon Matters Magazine. If we need to make a correction or update to a published article, we will do so promptly and visibly in the next issue of the magazine.

Yes, we offer discounts for long-term advertisers to Devon Matters Magazine. Please visit our website or contact us for more information.

You can contact our editorial staff through our website or by emailing us directly. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback.


You can follow Devon Matters Magazine on social media by liking us on Facebook or subscribing to our Instagram account. You can also sign up for email updates on our website to receive the latest news, features, and promotions from the magazine.

Sign up for a free online listing

Take advantage of both physical distribution and an additional online presence, with the Devon Matters online directory.

Having an online presence is essential in today’s business world. Whilst our free directory won’t flood your doors with requests, it will at least help increase your brand awareness on the web, and hey, you never know, someone might just click on you.

If you would like to be featured on the home page, please get in touch with us.

Got questions? Give us a shout! We’re happy to help.

Head Office Address

Sales Team

Artwork Team

Opening Hours

Get Started

Unleash the power of local advertising to raise the profile of your brand and products with the free magazine series, Devon Matters.
To be featured in one of our magazines, please fill out the form below with your requirements and we’ll be in touch to confirm your artwork and number of issues.

Head Office Address

Sales Team

Artwork Team

Opening Hours

Get Started

Unleash the power of local advertising to raise the profile of your brand and products with the free magazine series, Devon Matters.
To be featured in one of our magazines, please fill out the form below with your requirements and we’ll be in touch to confirm your artwork and number of issues.